Travel with EasyDayTrip and discover Santa Maria della Rocca Church

About Santa Maria della Rocca Church

High quality hoto of Santa Maria della Rocca Church - Italy

From a Benedictine place of peace and quiet, this medieval church was transformed into a unique Gothic building with a two-story plan – the entrance opens into a crypt and the majestic altar is upstairs. After an unfortunate collapse of the roof, the upper church was the only one left with the infamous Master of Offida’s frescoes. At the tragic times of the Second World War, the German troops used the church’s intended demolition to slow the Allied forces. As no one would have thought, none of the 30 mines exploded, a truly amazing event that many attribute to the divine intervention of the Virgin Mary that is still celebrated to this day.

Trips you can take to visit Santa Maria della Rocca Church along the way

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