Transfer from Brno
to Cesky Krumlov

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Departure from Brno
Selected sights
Estimated arrival to Cesky Krumlov

Trip duration: 175min

Passengers & Extra luggage
1 x
0 x
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Trip details

Departure from Brno
Passengers & Extra luggage
1 x
0 x

Places you can visit along the way

Quality photo of Namest nad Oslavou Castle - Czech Republic

Namest nad Oslavou Castle
Czech Republic

75 min

Dating from the 15th century, this monumental castle is a fine example of the Renaissance architecture in Moravia. Namest nad Oslavou Castle was originally built... on the ruins of a 13th century fortress by the Moravian lords of Zierotin and to this day is preserved almost unchanged. The walk through the history is available through the tour that takes visitors in the castle rooms furnished with historical furniture and decorated with precious paintings and tapestries. Although the castle chapel is notable for its design, it is the library that is the most unique part with a rich selection of books and a beautifully frescoed barrel ceiling. There is another tour available, one that takes visitors to the private apartments of Haugwitz family, who owned it in the 19th and 20th century.

Quality photo of Tabor - Czech Republic

Czech Republic

75 min

A town of fascinating history and many natural treasures, Tabor attracts many visitors all year round. It is perfect stop-off because its historic town is... compact and can be easily walked around. The vast variety of Tabor’s attractions includes the town walls, the Tabor Tunnels which form an underground world beneath the city’s main square and numerous churches and monuments. Perhaps one museum deserves a special mention and that is the The Hussite Museum which presents the history of town strongly connected to the Hussite movement. But there is also another museum for all those with sweet tooth and that is the Museum of Chocolate and Marzipan that will be a delight to your palates.

Quality photo of Cervena Lhota Castle - Czech Republic

Cervena Lhota Castle
Czech Republic

90 min

Have your camera ready as you will be taking many photos of the idyllic castle setting! The 16th century summer house of princes is located... on a rock in an artificial pond and it is connected to the land by a stone bridge. The dramatic red color of the facade is what sets apart this castle from other Renaissance castles in Bohemia. On the northern side of the castle is a gracefully landscaped park with the Renaissance Chapel of The Holy Trinity while on the southern side there are dense woods. Although the surroundings are a delight, it is definitely worth seeing the castle from the inside as well. The rooms are furnished with lavish furniture from the early 20th century and offer a detailed insight into the life of the nobility at that time. The castle is not very big thus when finish exploring it you’ll have just enough time to rent a boat on the lake and enjoy a scenic ride around the castle.

Quality photo of Trebic - Czech Republic

Czech Republic

75 min

Many tourists visit Trebic just to see two UNESCO World Heritage sites – the Basilica of St. Procopius and the Jewish Quarter and the Jewish... Cemetery. Sure, these are the most notable ones, but Trebic has many other valuable monuments owing to the rich history of the town.

Quality photo of Hluboka - Czech Republic

Czech Republic

75 min

The first sight of Hluboka remains long in every visitor’s memory. It is indeed awe-inspiring. The grandness of this Baroque masterpiece can be revealed not... only in its appearance, but also in its 140 lavishly decorated rooms and 11 towers. Being this huge, there are several different tours that visitors can choose from - stroll through the private rooms and ceremonial halls; explore the rich hunting collection, enjoy a view from one of the towers or visit a kitchen with original equipment. The chateau was originally founded in the middle of the 13th century by Bohemian kings and remodeled during the first half of the 18th century based on the English castle of Windsor. The castle is surrounded by a gorgeous English style park.

Quality photo of Ceske Budejovice - Czech Republic

Ceske Budejovice
Czech Republic

75 min
