Transfer from Brunico - Kronplatz
to Venice - Mestre

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Trip details

Departure from Brunico - Kronplatz
Selected sights
Estimated arrival to Venice - Mestre

Trip duration: 202min

Passengers & Extra luggage
1 x
0 x
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Trip details

Departure from Brunico - Kronplatz
Passengers & Extra luggage
1 x
0 x

Places you can visit along the way

Quality photo of Braies Lake - Italy

Braies Lake

90 min

A wonderful lake, hidden in the foothills of the Dolomites, offers a strikingly serene setting. Best known for its exquisite turquoise-blue waters with spectacular reflections,... this landscape will long linger in your memory. The path around the lake is very nice and peaceful and it takes a relaxed 1-2 hours walk, rent a rowboat and picnic along the river or hike up the ridge which is overlooking the lake.

Quality photo of Cortina - Italy


105 min

Whether you are a skiing fanatic or not so much, you’ll love Cortina d’Ampezzo either way. Yes, it is a well known skiing resort that... even hosts Women's World Cup, yes, it is abundant in snow, yes it has the most amazing skiing slopes, but if you are not so much into winter sports you can always enjoy luxurious spa resorts, or fine dining in one of many lush restaurants or just stroll down the main street with small cafes and luxury shops.

Quality photo of Caglieron Caves - Italy

Caglieron Caves

105 min

This scenic fairytale both natural and man-made little wonder is located at the base of the Dolomites, near Treviso. Created in part by the stream... and the other part made by man who dug deeply into the canyon walls, the Caves are one of the most admired and visited natural spots around Treviso. The caves are actually quite unique featuring several waterfalls and potholes and small springs and streams that flow out of the rock openings. The tour starts with the visit of the artificial caves and continues over a wooden boardwalk that crosses the natural part of the Caglieron Caves. At the end of the trail you reach an ancient mill that is converted into a nice restaurant.