Transfer from Cesky Krumlov
to Mainz

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Departure from Cesky Krumlov
Selected sights
Estimated arrival to Mainz

Trip duration: 384min

Passengers & Extra luggage
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Trip details

Departure from Cesky Krumlov
Passengers & Extra luggage
1 x
0 x

Places you can visit along the way

Quality photo of Walhalla Temple - Germany

Walhalla Temple

90 min

At the very first sight, the majestic architectural structure of Walhalla Temple will evoke the ancient Greece. This comes as no surprise since King Ludwig... I, its creator, was inspired by the famous Parthenon in Athens. The best way to learn about this masterpiece is to take a guided tour since there is so much history and interesting facts linked to this monument. The interior is designed in Rococo style and is lined with busts and plaques of the great German men.

Quality photo of Straubing - Germany


75 min

Enjoy a journey back in time through the rich history that can be discovered on every corner in Straubing. Its history as a settlement dates... back almost 8000 years when the Celts established the town "Sorviodurum". Among numerous monasteries and historic buildings, one shouldn’t miss the Town Hall and City Tower, St Peter's Church dating from the 12th century and Basilika St. Jakob with the striking tower and the painted glass windows from the 14th century. If you are keen to learn more about the abundant Straubing’s history, than a visit to Gauboden Museum is highly recommended.

Quality photo of Regensburg - Germany


75 min

One may be astound by the fact that Regensburg is the best preserved medieval city in Germany, others may be astound by its incredible charm,... and there are those who will fall in love with its diverse cultural scene that consists of countless theater and dance shows, concerts, festivals, exhibitions and other cultural attractions. But one thing is sure – no one will remain indifferent. Top sightseeing highlights of Regensburg are: Stone Bridge, Porta Praetoria, St. Peter’s Cathedral, Thurn and Taxis Palace and Old Town Hall – Imperial Diet Museum. Another point of interest is the Sausage Kitchen that has been serving sausages for nearly 900 years.

Quality photo of Johannisburg Castle - Germany

Johannisburg Castle

75 min

Architecture lovers will be stunned by the red sandstone chateau with impressive Renaissance architecture. But it certainly is not the only thing that makes this... castle the landmark of the city Aschaffenberg and one of its main tourist attractions. To begin with, it is located in the most amazing location, right on the banks of the River Main, than it features a great museum of both modern art and the old masters, and a quirky art collection of historic architectural buildings made from cork, and finally it also has a nice restaurant. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a glass of champagne in the striking castle ambiance? We certainly think it’s a good idea.

Quality photo of Weissenstein Castle - Germany

Weissenstein Castle

105 min

Located on top of a limestone cliff Weissenstein Castle is 900 years old and dates from the 14th century. It got its name from the... white local sandstone used in its construction. The most notable part of this grand palace is the monumental staircase, the first of its kind in Germany. The palace is today privately owned, but visitors can still enjoy the impressive art collection, the largest private Baroque art collection in Germany with over 600 works and the 19th century English-style park gardens. Given that the interiors are only accessible via a guided tour, it is recommended to book your tour at

Quality photo of Messel - Germany


60 min

The Messel Pit is a disused quarry where paleontologists have found more than 40,000 discoveries to date with many more still to be uncovered, making... this remarkable location one of the world’s top fossil spotting sites. The pit can be visited as part of regular group tours with qualified scientists on hand that provide visitors with understanding of evolution and past environments during the Eocene period, which lasted between 57 and 36 million years ago. For visitors who want to explore the pit individually, there are numerous information panels and the viewing platform overlooking the quarry. If you wish to take a look at a very different, distant world and discover the predecessors of the plants and animals, the Messel Pit is a must-see destination for you.