Transfer from Como
to Bergamo

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Trip details

Departure from Como
Selected sights
Estimated arrival to Bergamo

Trip duration: 73min

Passengers & Extra luggage
1 x
0 x
Book this transfer

Trip details

Departure from Como
Passengers & Extra luggage
1 x
0 x

Places you can visit along the way

Quality photo of Basilica of San Pietro and San Paolo - Italy

Basilica of San Pietro and San Paolo

75 min

Basilica of San Pietro and San Paolo represents one of the oldest examples of Romanesque architecture in the region and managed to maintain its ancient... aesthetics although it went through extensive renovations in the 19th century. Its interior was once richly decorated with frescoes but today there are only faded remnants of those precious, 11th-century decorations. Nonetheless, the basilica still remains an ancient relic to be admired.

Quality photo of Alfa Romeo Museum - Italy

Alfa Romeo Museum

105 min

Opened in the former Alfa Romeo factory in Arese in 1979, the historic museum saw several renovations and was finally opened on June 24, 2015... unveiling the glorious history of Alfa Romeo’s road cars, sleek prototypes and dream cars, aircraft and aeronautical projects. The museum is set in a modern, spacious futuristic interior, across 3 levels, featuring also a 4D cinema.

Quality photo of Sanctuary of Caravaggio - Italy

Sanctuary of Caravaggio

75 min

Famous Italian renaissance painter, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio renowned for his chiaroscuro paintings, was born in a small town of Caravaggio and was actually named... after this town. The city is also known for the shrine of Santa Maria di Caravaggio, a huge complex built in the sixteenth century. It is an architectural marvel containing many beauties like its splendid dome, the marble altar and one of Italy's finest organs with a total of four keyboards and 5600 pipes.