Transfer from Desenzano
to Milan - Linate Airport

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Trip details

Departure from Desenzano
Selected sights
Estimated arrival to Milan - Linate Airport

Trip duration: 98min

Passengers & Extra luggage
1 x
0 x
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Trip details

Departure from Desenzano
Passengers & Extra luggage
1 x
0 x

Places you can visit along the way

Quality photo of Brescia Castle - Italy

Brescia Castle

105 min

Brescia Castle can be spotted from afar and from every angle since it perched above the town’s rooftops, occupying the whole top of the Cidneo... hill. With its 75.000 square meters enclosed within the surrounding walls, it is one of the largest fortified complexes in Italy. This large defensive complex was built in the Middle Ages and has undergone many renovations since then. Today, the castle is home to two museums, Museo delle Armi Antiche with an extensive collection of vintage armory and Civico Museo del Risorgimento dedicated to the Unification of Italy.

Quality photo of Sanctuary of Caravaggio - Italy

Sanctuary of Caravaggio

75 min

Famous Italian renaissance painter, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio renowned for his chiaroscuro paintings, was born in a small town of Caravaggio and was actually named... after this town. The city is also known for the shrine of Santa Maria di Caravaggio, a huge complex built in the sixteenth century. It is an architectural marvel containing many beauties like its splendid dome, the marble altar and one of Italy's finest organs with a total of four keyboards and 5600 pipes.