Transfer from Dresden
to Salzburg

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Trip details

Departure from Dresden
Selected sights
Estimated arrival to Salzburg

Trip duration: 350min

Passengers & Extra luggage
1 x
0 x
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Trip details

Departure from Dresden
Passengers & Extra luggage
1 x
0 x

Places you can visit along the way

Quality photo of Chateau de Schonfels - Germany

Chateau de Schonfels

75 min

Discover an authentic medieval fortification that was built around 1200 that is amazingly well preserved. It begun as an administrative center but soon after it... became a noble residence that changed many owners. The most important family which beautifully remodeled the castle in the 16th century are the Weisenbachs. Visitors are welcomed to explore the historic buildings like the wonderful Gothic wooden hall, the chapel with a unique Renaissance wooden altar and the pipe organ with Baroque decorations and the Bergfried tower.

Quality photo of Dachau Memorial - Germany

Dachau Memorial

75 min

Although you will probably be overwhelmed by the sadness and the cruelty, Dachau Memorial is simply striking and well worth your time. The permanent exhibition,... opened in 2003, provides a comprehensive insight on the historical background to the crimes committed here. It is a very moving place and a potent memorial commemorating over 41,000 victims that were murdered here.

Quality photo of Herrenchiemsee - Germany


135 min

If you decide to visit Herrenchiemsee palace, be prepared to be enchanted by the extravagance and decadency seen once in a blue moon. This opulent... fantasy palace was built by Bavarian King Ludwig II known also as “Bavaria’s fairytale king” on the largest island in the Chiemsee Lake. Construction started in 1878 but unfortunately was not finished by the time King Ludwig died, in 1886. In the extravagant interior visitors may explore twenty state rooms that boast décor of the most exquisite quality. But visitors are mostly overwhelmed when entering the huge Hall of Mirrors which is almost a perfect copy of the original Galerie des Glaces in Versailles. With its luxuriant decorations and furnishings, lights and glittering pendant chandeliers it must be one of the most majestic banqueting halls in the world. The palace also features Ludwig II Museum and the Augustinian canon seminary, both worth visiting. If you get tired of all the lavishness, go to Fraueninsel Island across the water that has a Benedictine convent and is perfect for relaxing strolls.

Quality photo of Nuremberg - Germany


135 min

The medieval town of Nuremberg is bursting with special romantic flair created by the half-timbered buildings along the cobblestone lanes, bridges, cafes and restaurants. However,... an absolute “must” for your trip to Nuremberg is its Castle. It is located in town’s main square and since the Middle Ages it has been the symbol of the power of the Holy Roman Empire in Germany. Another “not to be missed” tourist attraction is the Germanische Nationalmuseum, one of the largest, if not the largest, museum of German culture in the world. If you have some time left, visit the Church of Our Lady, a stunning example of brick Gothic architecture.

Quality photo of Porsche Museum - Germany

Porsche Museum

90 min


Quality photo of Kriebstein Castle - Germany

Kriebstein Castle

105 min

A distinctive outline of this monumental castle, which dates back in 15th century, is formed by the bay towers and stone walls that surround a... self contained village. A stunning structure of the Gothic ring castle emerges on the 45 meters high rock cliff. Inside the castle guests can admire goodies in treasure room, religious items, altars and an armory. Recommended is the guided tour that allows visitors to acquire even more detailed knowledge of that time in history.