Transfer from Florence
to Stresa

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Trip details

Departure from Florence
Selected sights
Estimated arrival to Stresa

Trip duration: 248min

Passengers & Extra luggage
1 x
0 x
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Trip details

Departure from Florence
Passengers & Extra luggage
1 x
0 x

Places you can visit along the way

Quality photo of Monte Sole Historical Park - Italy

Monte Sole Historical Park

105 min

The Historic Regional Park of Monte Sole covers an area of about 6,300 hectares and it is protected for its ample wildlife and natural beauties... that include almost 1,000 floral species. This place however has great historical importance related to the tragic events that took place during the WWII. Over 700 innocent people, mostly women and children, were killed here by Nazi soldiers because believed to have helped the partisans in this area. Visitors have the possibility to take various detailed tours of adorned burials and monuments as well as some beautiful ruins or the nature trails to explore the natural beauty of these hills.

Quality photo of Rivalta Castle - Italy

Rivalta Castle

105 min

Dating back to the 11th century, the magnificent ancient fortress Rivalta Castle intriguingly exudes different styles, from Medieval and Renaissance, to Baroque and Neoclassical. The... interior is immodestly showcasing original furnishings, ancient and modern arms, flags, paintings and more. According to the legend, the ghost of Chef Giuseppe, who was killed in the 18th century, still haunts the castle, so your visit will indeed be an interesting and memorable experience.

Quality photo of Ferrari Museum - Italy

Ferrari Museum

135 min

Here you have a unique opportunity to sit in the legendary Ferrari and make few laps around the track in the semiprofessional simulator of F1... inside the museum. Now, who would want to miss that?! Discover the stories about the brand’s overall history and stories about the personal life of its founder, the legendary Enzo Ferrari.

Quality photo of Parco della Rocca Borromea - Italy

Parco della Rocca Borromea

90 min

Take a tour of the Parco della Rocca Borromea and enjoy in the magnificent view of Lake Maggiore. The park has grown around the ruins... of old fortress that was destroyed in 1800 by Napoleon. Today it is a favorite place for both locals and tourists to relax among the lush greenery. You may also learn about some rare plants or have a bite with a glass of wine at a nice little cafe.

Quality photo of Pavia Monastery - Italy

Pavia Monastery

75 min

Pavia monastery is the highlight of the entire region of North Italy. It is an architectural marvel founded in 1396 and designed by the same... architects who crafted the Duomo of Milan. The striking complex is adorned with Renaissance and Gothic styles, detailed stained windows and frescoes in the church apse. The very informative guided tour reveals all the amazing features of the impressive structure like the church choir, the royal tombs, the frescoes, 2 inner courtyards and monks' cells. There is also a small shop run by the monks selling a variety of home made products such as soap, oils and herbal treatments. The abbey is closed during lunch time, from 11:30-14:00.

Quality photo of Prato - Italy


105 min

Don’t be surprised by the slow pace of this town! Prato seems to have overtaken the Spanish siesta and from one to three o’clock each... afternoon it’s leisure time. This will give you a divine opportunity to soak in its impressive architecture, culture, and history. Spend some time basking in the history and the tradition that is still very much alive in countless palaces and castles, narrow streets and museums.