Transfer from Innsbruck
to Arabba

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Departure from Innsbruck
Selected sights
Estimated arrival to Arabba

Trip duration: 143min

Passengers & Extra luggage
1 x
0 x
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Trip details

Departure from Innsbruck
Passengers & Extra luggage
1 x
0 x

Places you can visit along the way

Quality photo of Obernberg Lake - Austria

Obernberg Lake

75 min

There are certain places in this world of ours that inspire complete serenity and simple joy of life. Obernberg Lake is one of those places.... This alpine lake of incredibly clear waters is surrounded by pristine nature which invites you to just sit down, take in a huge breath of fresh mountain air and just relax. One rock, collapsed during the prehistoric times, divides the lake in two parts, but when the waters are high, during spring, the two lakes become one again. There is a small chapel on this natural dam that can be reached through a little wooden bridge and to walk around the whole lake it takes about 2 hours.

Quality photo of Franzensfeste Fortress - Italy

Franzensfeste Fortress

75 min

This truly remarkable, massive defensive system was built by Emperor Francis I of Austria to protect the traffic connection across the Alta Valle Isarco. The... building comprises a giant labyrinth of rooms, corridors and stairways. What’s incredible about it is that it was built in only 5 years, in the period between 1833 and 1838. When Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy made an alliance, Franzensfeste Fortress had lost its strategic importance. There is, however, an assumption that the Nazis hid a hoard of gold stolen from the Bank of Italy in this place in WWII. The fortress today features art exhibits in its halls.

Quality photo of Brunico - Kronplatz - Italy

Brunico - Kronplatz

75 min

The town of Brunico lies at the foot of renowned ski resort Kronplatz. Skiers around Europe consider Kronplatz as one the best ski resorts in... Europe. It provides excellent skiing opportunities for all levels of skiers and has great amenities such as the modern ski lifts (with heating and WiFi), fine restaurants, an “Indian village” with tents, and a small museum. Brunico is the town where the international atmosphere is pleasantly mixed with tradition. Through the ancient city gates you arrive in the historic city center with small shops selling typical South Tyrolean products, shops selling international brands as well as cozy bars and cafes. The beautiful Brunico Castle houses one of the Messner Mountain Museums, the RIPA, which is devoted to the mountain people of this region.