Transfer from Karlovy Vary
to Garmisch Partenkirchen

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Trip details

Departure from Karlovy Vary
Selected sights
Estimated arrival to Garmisch Partenkirchen

Trip duration: 244min

Passengers & Extra luggage
1 x
0 x
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Trip details

Departure from Karlovy Vary
Passengers & Extra luggage
1 x
0 x

Places you can visit along the way

Quality photo of Loket Castle - Czech Republic

Loket Castle
Czech Republic

75 min

Most castles were built on hills, enabling the occupants to see invaders approaching and Loket Castle is no different. From the hilltop, it dominates the... town of Loket for more than 850 years and this abundant past can be observed in its museum, weaponry, armor and an eclectic collection of historic artifacts. If you have the courage for some rather ghastly equipment, explore the castle’s dungeons. If not, spend your visiting time in the impressive chapel and the castle’s ceremonial hall. All in all, this attraction has something to offer for everyone’s taste.

Quality photo of Dachau Memorial - Germany

Dachau Memorial

75 min

Although you will probably be overwhelmed by the sadness and the cruelty, Dachau Memorial is simply striking and well worth your time. The permanent exhibition,... opened in 2003, provides a comprehensive insight on the historical background to the crimes committed here. It is a very moving place and a potent memorial commemorating over 41,000 victims that were murdered here.

Quality photo of Walhalla Temple - Germany

Walhalla Temple

90 min

At the very first sight, the majestic architectural structure of Walhalla Temple will evoke the ancient Greece. This comes as no surprise since King Ludwig... I, its creator, was inspired by the famous Parthenon in Athens. The best way to learn about this masterpiece is to take a guided tour since there is so much history and interesting facts linked to this monument. The interior is designed in Rococo style and is lined with busts and plaques of the great German men.

Quality photo of Glentleiten Open Air Museum - Germany

Glentleiten Open Air Museum

90 min

If you are looking for a close insight into authentic Bavarian mountain life, you shouldn’t miss the Glentleiten Open Air Museum. It includes 60 authentic... buildings that were reconstructed and renovated to faithfully represent original country life. There is even the 100 years old bowling alley where you can test your bowling skills with your friends and family. After a fun and interesting day, treat yourself with traditional Bavarian dishes served in three onsite restaurants.

Quality photo of Benediktbeuern Abbey - Germany

Benediktbeuern Abbey

75 min

Nestled in the foothills of the Bavarian Alps and surrounded by lakes and beautiful countryside, Benediktbeuern Abbey exudes peace of mind and soul. It was... founded around 740 and for centuries it was known as the prosperous center for studying languages, music, mathematics and botany. Even today many courses and leisure activities are held here. In 1803 the famous Carmina Burana manuscript was found here.

Quality photo of Regensburg - Germany


75 min

One may be astound by the fact that Regensburg is the best preserved medieval city in Germany, others may be astound by its incredible charm,... and there are those who will fall in love with its diverse cultural scene that consists of countless theater and dance shows, concerts, festivals, exhibitions and other cultural attractions. But one thing is sure – no one will remain indifferent. Top sightseeing highlights of Regensburg are: Stone Bridge, Porta Praetoria, St. Peter’s Cathedral, Thurn and Taxis Palace and Old Town Hall – Imperial Diet Museum. Another point of interest is the Sausage Kitchen that has been serving sausages for nearly 900 years.