Transfer from Liptovsky Mikulas
to Budapest

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Departure from Liptovsky Mikulas
Selected sights
Estimated arrival to Budapest

Trip duration: 230min

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Trip details

Departure from Liptovsky Mikulas
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Places you can visit along the way

Quality photo of Zvolen Castle - Slovakia

Zvolen Castle

90 min

What’s most interesting about the Zvolen Castle is not its well preserved Gothic architecture inspired by Italian castles, or the Renaissance reconstruction when the external... fortifications and an entrance gate were added. The most significant fact is that this castle is currently the most extensive gallery in Slovakia as it guards a branch of the Slovak National Gallery. It is home to a large collection of old masters from the 13th to the 21th centuries. Visitors can admire a true wealth of artistic types, themes and styles that combines classic art, with an emphasis on iconography and Gothic art, with contemporary works.

Quality photo of Demanovska Cave of Liberty - Slovakia

Demanovska Cave of Liberty

105 min

The astonishing Demanovska Cave of Liberty extends 8,126 meters into the mountains, out of which around 2 kilometers are available for tourists so the whole... tour takes about 1 hour. Within its long tunnels visitors can marvel astonishing stalactites and stalagmites of various shapes, colors and sizes, a few underground turquoise lakes but the most impressive certainly is the Great Dome, 41 meters high and 75 meters long. Heads-up: it’s cold in the cave, bring something warm to wear!

Quality photo of Hronsek Wooden Church - Slovakia

Hronsek Wooden Church

75 min

This beautiful Evangelist wooden church was built in the early 18th century. In the period between 16th to 18th century more than 300 wooden churches... were built in Slovakia. But, due to the Habsburg authorities who wanted to reduce the number of Protestant churches, only 5 of these churches remained to this day. According to the law of that time, only 2 churches were allowed to be built per one region and thus those churches had to be very large to accommodate many worshipers. There were also very rigorous construction requirements for these churches but Hronsek Wooden Church is unique because of the evident Scandinavian architectural influences and it is unknown how or why these elements came to be incorporated into the structure.

Quality photo of Vlkolinec Village - Slovakia

Vlkolinec Village

60 min

Vlkoklinec was granted UNESCO status for the mainly intact folk architecture with artifacts dating back to the 15th century. One might say that in Vlkoklinec... time stands still and the traditional tools, artwork, crafts, and old-style kitchens will immediately take visitors back in past, when life seemed so much simpler. This remarkably untouched settlement consists of 45 wooden houses and outbuildings of which 2 have been converted to museums. To fully experience the past times, do try the local delicacy — warm, homemade poppy seed nut roll in the village store.

Quality photo of Kaliste - Slovakia


60 min

Slovak national cultural monument since 1961, the extinct village of Kaliste is commemorating the victims of the Nazi crimes. In 1945 the Nazis murdered 13... people and burned 42 homes as a revenge for sheltering and supplying partisans involved in the Slovak National Uprising. Only 2 houses remained after the destruction. The site today is an impressive place that honors more the lives of victims, rather than focusing on their deaths. Visitors can thus learn about the traditional recipes, the songs that were sung and view the photographs of the villagers. There is also the “Garden of Life” where every tree is planted for each Slovak village that suffered that same fate as Kaliste.

Quality photo of Bear Farm - Hungary

Bear Farm

90 min

This bear sanctuary was established in 1998; in 2000 it became home for 18 wolves and in 2010 coaties and raccoons also moved in. The... bears were either once owned by circuses or zoos and got too old for their shows, or pets that got too big. So Bear Farm is a rescue/retirement home where these animals can live safely and in peace in their natural environment. The place also sells honey on site and visitors can feed the bears with a wooden spoon, which is an experience like no other. For more info, please visit: