Transfer from Prague
to Garmisch Partenkirchen

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Departure from Prague
Selected sights
Estimated arrival to Garmisch Partenkirchen

Trip duration: 283min

Passengers & Extra luggage
1 x
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Trip details

Departure from Prague
Passengers & Extra luggage
1 x
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Places you can visit along the way

Quality photo of Dachau Memorial - Germany

Dachau Memorial

75 min

Although you will probably be overwhelmed by the sadness and the cruelty, Dachau Memorial is simply striking and well worth your time. The permanent exhibition,... opened in 2003, provides a comprehensive insight on the historical background to the crimes committed here. It is a very moving place and a potent memorial commemorating over 41,000 victims that were murdered here.

Quality photo of Karlstejn Castle - Czech Republic

Karlstejn Castle
Czech Republic

105 min

Czech Republic has more than 2000 castles and fortresses but among them Karlstejn Castle is one of the most popular and of most extraordinary stepped... layout. Founded in 1348 by the Czech King and Roman Emperor Charles IV, it took twenty years to finish the castle since the emperor personally supervised the project in all details. Later, the castle was remodeled several times so late Gothic, Renaissance and neo-Gothic influences are obvious in its impressive architectural design. To access the castle visitors can walk (approximately 30 minutes from the parking lot) or even take a romantic carriage ride. The castle interiors can be explored via various guided tours available in English as well.

Quality photo of Walhalla Temple - Germany

Walhalla Temple

90 min

At the very first sight, the majestic architectural structure of Walhalla Temple will evoke the ancient Greece. This comes as no surprise since King Ludwig... I, its creator, was inspired by the famous Parthenon in Athens. The best way to learn about this masterpiece is to take a guided tour since there is so much history and interesting facts linked to this monument. The interior is designed in Rococo style and is lined with busts and plaques of the great German men.

Quality photo of Benediktbeuern Abbey - Germany

Benediktbeuern Abbey

75 min

Nestled in the foothills of the Bavarian Alps and surrounded by lakes and beautiful countryside, Benediktbeuern Abbey exudes peace of mind and soul. It was... founded around 740 and for centuries it was known as the prosperous center for studying languages, music, mathematics and botany. Even today many courses and leisure activities are held here. In 1803 the famous Carmina Burana manuscript was found here.

Quality photo of Kladruby Monastery - Czech Republic

Kladruby Monastery
Czech Republic

75 min

Founded in 1114, Kladruby Monastery is one of the oldest Benedictine monasteries in Czech Republic. This historic gem of striking beauty can be visited via... guided tour that lasts just under an hour and also includes tour of the accompanying castle. Not to be missed is the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, one of the largest ecclesiastical structures throughout Bohemia and an extraordinary example of Baroque-Gothic style characteristic for this region.

Quality photo of Pilsen - Czech Republic

Czech Republic

105 min

There are numerous reasons why one should visit Pisen. Not only is this the second largest city in Czech Republic and home of Pilsner Urquell,... the world’s first and finest lager beer, but it has so many other attractions that it would be a shame not to stroll down its streets. To mention just a few – a 3D Planetarium in the Techmania Science Centre, the Great Synagogue in Moorish-Romanesque style, Republic Square surrounded by St. Bartholomew's Cathedral, the Town Hall, and the Bishop's Residence, George Patton memorial museum and of course don’t miss the legendary Pilsner Urquell Brewery.