Transfer from Rovinj
to Rakovica

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Departure from Rovinj
Selected sights
Estimated arrival to Rakovica

Trip duration: 191min

Passengers & Extra luggage
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Trip details

Departure from Rovinj
Passengers & Extra luggage
1 x
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Places you can visit along the way

Quality photo of Hum - Croatia


75 min

With barely 20 inhabitants but still featuring medieval city walls, a church, a 16th century watch tower and two small streets with three rows of... houses, Hum is defined as the smallest city in the world. Its history goes back in the earl medieval age and since then there was not much construction outside of the well preserved ancient walls. This city-monument is truly unique and interesting to history and culture explorers. It is also known as “the town of truffles” so we encourage you to try a leisurely meal at Hum's friendly konoba restaurant, the only eatery in the city.

Quality photo of Motovun - Croatia


75 min

This captivating hilltop town that dominates over the valley of the Mirna River was built in 13th century. Although it changed various feudal masters during... its past, the Venetian influence remains the strongest. They ruled the town in the period 1278-1797. The oval main square, which is the only flat place in the whole town, is encircled by well preserved town walls from the 13th and 14th centuries and houses a colorful church. Town planning has well preserved all the characteristics of medieval architecture. Motovun is surrounded by vineyards thus it is also famous for exceptional Croatian wines, like Malvazija and Teran, as well as for the black truffle that can be found in this area. In Motovun as well as in the surrounding area there are many excellent local “konobe” and restaurants.

Quality photo of Plitvice Lakes National Park - Croatia

Plitvice Lakes National Park

135 min

Whoever decides to visit Croatia must include a trip to Plitvice Lakes National Park to their itinerary. It is simply a must-see attraction for all... nature lovers as this park covers an area of 300 square kilometers with spectacular natural lakes and waterfalls. Besides the highest Croatian waterfall, Veliki Splat, visitors can enjoy countless smaller waterfalls, as well as the lakes with distinctive colors, ranging from turquoise blue to gray or green. Don't rush your time here. Enjoy yourself and take in the amazing scenery and serenity of this place.

Quality photo of Rastoke - Croatia


75 min

A place where river flows lively but time stands still; this is what Rastoke looks like. Houses built in distinctive rural style atop waterfalls and... the magical traditional mills will give any visitor a divine peace of mind. For complete satisfaction, try the grilled trout stuffed with mushrooms and bacon in the restaurant with a stone terrace that sits on the falls.

Quality photo of Opatija - Croatia


75 min

Many things about Opatija are impressive. First is its long tourist tradition as a health resort that dates back to mid-19th century and the first... hotel ever built on Adriatic was in Opatija in 1884. All grand spa hotels in Opatija reflect its glorious days during the Austro-Hungarian Empire when it served as the most elegant seaside resort. Then it’s its 12 kilometers long promenade that was built along cost of Volosko, Opatija and Lovran. Opatija is also full of gorgeous parks and green areas perfect for relaxing. And finally, the numerous cultural and entertaining events all year round make Opatija a top spot destination.

Quality photo of Pula - Croatia


105 min

Apart from the beautiful Adriatic Sea, exquisite Mediterranean cuisine and welcoming locals, Pula will stun its visitors with the remarkably well-preserved Roman amphitheater, which in... the summer becomes the host of international concerts, plays and films. Other interesting Roman ruins that Pula features are Arch of Sergi, a triumphal arch from the 1st century, the gate of Hercules, built in the same period as the Arch and the Forum, which is the oldest square in the city.