Transfer from Turin - Airport
to Bellagio

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Departure from Turin - Airport
Selected sights
Estimated arrival to Bellagio

Trip duration: 153min

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Departure from Turin - Airport
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Places you can visit along the way

Quality photo of Morimondo Abbey - Italy

Morimondo Abbey

75 min

Morimondo Abbey was founded in 1134 by the group of monks who came here from France. The monastery looks like an imposing four storey building... of austere serenity. This appearance was regained after the complete renovation in 2008. Its interiors are worth exploring, especially a fresco by Bernardino Luini, a 15th century crucifix, a 14th century holy water font and a wooden choir which is a prime example of Bramante’s promotion of Renaissance style in Northern Italy. The visit to this abbey offers a perfect respite from everyday life as well as a nice insight on life in the Middle Ages, including information about food, cooking, energy, and water.

Quality photo of Basilica of Superga - Italy

Basilica of Superga

105 min

In 1706, during the French-Spanish siege the Duke of Savoy Victor Amadeus II vowed to build a church if proved victorious in this battle. The... result of this vow is Basilica of Superga built on a hill across the river Po. Being located on a hilltop, Basilica offers stunning panoramic views of the city panorama and the Alps; in turn, it can be seen from miles around. The interiors of Basilica match its grand exterior, with gaudy decorations, massive Corinthian columns and intricate carvings. Unfortunately, this astonishing church is linked to a dreadful tragedy which happened in 1949 when a plane carrying the entire Turin football team, known as Grande Torino, crashed into basilica. There is now a memorial at the rear of basilica where the accident occurred.

Quality photo of Basilica of San Pietro and San Paolo - Italy

Basilica of San Pietro and San Paolo

75 min

Basilica of San Pietro and San Paolo represents one of the oldest examples of Romanesque architecture in the region and managed to maintain its ancient... aesthetics although it went through extensive renovations in the 19th century. Its interior was once richly decorated with frescoes but today there are only faded remnants of those precious, 11th-century decorations. Nonetheless, the basilica still remains an ancient relic to be admired.

Quality photo of Masino Castle - Italy

Masino Castle

105 min

The wonderful castle of Masino was for centuries the home of the counts of Valperga. The castle, once surrounded by walls, today is ringed by... the beautiful romantic gardens with one of the largest hedge labyrinths in Europe. Inside the castle visitors can enjoy in its richly decorated rooms, the frescoed salons and an impressive collection of carriages from the 18th and 19th centuries.

Quality photo of Vigevano - Italy


105 min

Vigevano is definitely of the beaten tourist track which makes it even more beautiful. At only 35 kilometers from Milan, it was historically tied to... the fashion capital as the center for silk and cotton production. It also features some architectural gems built during the Renaissance. And as a special treat for ladies - it is a major center of shoe production in Italy, featuring a shoe museum that showcases shoe history and displays shoes worn by famous Italians. To sum it up: enchanting architecture, rich history, no crowds, gorgeous shoes and typical Italian atmosphere – what more could a traveler ask for?!