Transfer from Urbino
to Perugia

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Trip details

Departure from Urbino
Selected sights
Estimated arrival to Perugia

Trip duration: 101min

Passengers & Extra luggage
1 x
0 x
Book this transfer

Trip details

Departure from Urbino
Passengers & Extra luggage
1 x
0 x

Places you can visit along the way

Quality photo of Gubbio - Italy


105 min

Gubbio is a unique city, where history and ancient art can be seen in every corner of the city. The town owes its austere appearance... to the dark grey stone of Gothic architecture, which was mostly constructed in 14th and 15th century when the city experienced its zenith. Its many historic buildings and monuments include: the Roman Theater that was built in the 1st century BC using square blocks of local limestone; Palazzo dei Consoli, a museum housing the Eugubine Tables; the Cathedral that was built in the late 12th century; Palazzo Ducale and Cistercian church Santa Maria Nuova. After you get exhausted of all the sightseeing, regain your energy by savoring one of Gubbio’s famous pasta dishes with truffles.

Quality photo of Assisi - Italy


135 min

A city that charms at the first glance, but even more the longer you stay. Regardless of how many times you've been before, there is... always a reason to come back. It is a town of strong religious heritage - St. Francis founded his Franciscan order here, it is also the birthplace of St. Clare and Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows. The Basilica of San Francesco d’Assisi with famous Giotto’s frescoes is an ultimate pilgrimage site. Every lane and every corner of this mystical little town boasts the atmosphere of peace.