Transfer from Varenna
to Milan - Malpensa International Airport

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Trip details

Departure from Varenna
Selected sights
Estimated arrival to Milan - Malpensa International Airport

Trip duration: 90min

Passengers & Extra luggage
1 x
0 x
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Trip details

Departure from Varenna
Passengers & Extra luggage
1 x
0 x

Places you can visit along the way

Quality photo of Lecco - Italy


90 min

Strolling through the town of Lecco you can soak in culture, history, and sheer elegance of this town’s beauty. The best point to start your... tour around Lecco is the lakefront promenade. Not far from the waterfront is the famous bell tower, offering best views of the town; heads-up: it needs booking in advance. In the city you can visit several monuments, among which the beautiful Basilica of San Nicolo, main church of the city; the Visconti Bridge, dating from the 14th century it is among the oldest monuments in Lecco; very evocative are the small public squares of the historical center, like Piazza Manzoni and Piazza XX Settembre, where you can find a good selection of cafes for that all important coffee break! The city is also proud of some impressive 18th and 19th century villas and one of them is now a museum dedicated to the famous Italian writer Alessandro Manzoni.

Quality photo of Basilica of San Pietro and San Paolo - Italy

Basilica of San Pietro and San Paolo

75 min

Basilica of San Pietro and San Paolo represents one of the oldest examples of Romanesque architecture in the region and managed to maintain its ancient... aesthetics although it went through extensive renovations in the 19th century. Its interior was once richly decorated with frescoes but today there are only faded remnants of those precious, 11th-century decorations. Nonetheless, the basilica still remains an ancient relic to be admired.