Transfer from Bergamo
to Ferrara

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Departure from Bergamo
Selected sights
Estimated arrival to Ferrara

Trip duration: 150min

Passengers & Extra luggage
1 x
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Trip details

Departure from Bergamo
Passengers & Extra luggage
1 x
0 x

Places you can visit along the way

Quality photo of Nicolis Museum - Italy

Nicolis Museum

105 min

All fans of speed and motor vehicles will lose control of their senses when they enter the Nicolis Museum of Cars, Technology and Mechanics. But... not only them! Although the museum houses a fantastic car collection, it is far from an ordinary car museum because it includes all sorts of technical innovations like cameras, musical instruments, typewriters and jewelry, all in all thousands of objects in 7 different collections. It is an exhibition of evolution, shown with passion.

Quality photo of Borghetto sul Mincio - Italy

Borghetto sul Mincio

75 min

Borghetto sul Mincio is one of those quaint, tiny Italian villages that are simply irresistible. Travelers have long recognized this charm so this beautiful and... peaceful village with merely 160 inhabitants is completely devoted to tourism. Along its cobblestone streets, quaint watermills, and wooden bridges you’ll find several specialty shops, restaurants, and cafes that will indulge your senses. The village is best known for its Visconti Bridge (a fortress spanning the river Mincio built by Gian Galeazzo Visconti, lord of Milan), as well for the old bell of the church of Saint Mark the Evangelist. Not to forget the famous tortellini that Borghetto sul Mincio is especially proud of!

Quality photo of Brescia Castle - Italy

Brescia Castle

105 min

Brescia Castle can be spotted from afar and from every angle since it perched above the town’s rooftops, occupying the whole top of the Cidneo... hill. With its 75.000 square meters enclosed within the surrounding walls, it is one of the largest fortified complexes in Italy. This large defensive complex was built in the Middle Ages and has undergone many renovations since then. Today, the castle is home to two museums, Museo delle Armi Antiche with an extensive collection of vintage armory and Civico Museo del Risorgimento dedicated to the Unification of Italy.

Quality photo of Caves of Catullus - Italy

Caves of Catullus

105 min

The ruins of an ancient and grandiose Roman villa called the Caves of Catullus are located on the Shore of Garda Lake in Sirmione. This... splendid panoramic location adds special flair to the massive ruins, which belong to the largest and most important villa in northern Italy. The villa was constructed in the Augustan period, late first century BC and early first century A. D. Today, the ruins are open and free to guests and there are many informative panels so the visitors can learn all about its history.

Quality photo of Montagnana - Italy


75 min

Montagnana is a beautiful medieval town in the province of Padua, surrounded by magnificent walls, one of the most beautiful and better preserved in Europe.... Walls have the shape of an irregular rectangle and four gates lead to the medieval center dotted with noteworthy buildings with arcades built in the 15-16th centuries. Montagnana is in fact a small jewel and it is really difficult to list one by one all its architectural beauties. But it is necessary to mention at least the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta built in late Gothic style with late-Renaissance additions, the two castles built in the 13th and 14th centuries, and among the civil buildings worth a mention is villa Pisani, located immediately outside the circle of walls.