Transfer from Dubrovnik - Airport
to Krka National Park

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Departure from Dubrovnik - Airport
Selected sights
Estimated arrival to Krka National Park

Trip duration: 202min

Passengers & Extra luggage
1 x
0 x
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Trip details

Departure from Dubrovnik - Airport
Passengers & Extra luggage
1 x
0 x

Places you can visit along the way

Quality photo of Klis Fortress - Croatia

Klis Fortress

75 min

Overlooking the city of Split, the Klis fortress became world famous after featuring in hit television series Game of Thrones series. But its historical value... is much more significant. In its 2000 years long history that begun with the Illyrian tribe called Dalmatae that used it as a stronghold, the fortress saw many different rulers and crucial events. It is built into a rocky ridge which provides visitors with incredible views of entire Split area and Adriatic islands. The fortress also features a small church, a museum and a room dedicated to Game of Thrones memorabilia.

Quality photo of Arboretum Trsteno - Croatia

Arboretum Trsteno

90 min

Arboretum is the ideal place to reflect and relax. This protected natural monument has existed almost incessantly from the late 15th century. The only two... times when this serenity was almost destroyed was in 1991 during the attacks of the Yugoslav People's Army which, unfortunately, destroyed a large part of it and in 2000 in a forest fire when Arboretum again was severely damaged. However, today Arboretum is mostly restored and opened for visitors so don’t miss to take a walk around the oldest renaissance garden in Dalmatia.

Quality photo of Salona Ruins - Croatia

Salona Ruins

75 min

The ruins of Solin are well worth spending an hour or two because they consist of many ancient treasures. In its glory days, the 2nd... century amphitheater could hold 18,000 spectators, the Manastirine, a burial place for early Christian martyrs, Tusculum Museum, the remains of a covered aqueduct, public baths, and ancient churches; all this can be explored within the ruins of Solin. All in all, if visiting Split, be sure to make this short detour to Solin because it is just a few minutes’ drive.

Quality photo of Sibenik - Croatia


105 min

When arriving to Sibenik, it may seem as any other ordinary town due to its industrial suburbs, but wait till you enter the delightful Old... Town! You are about to discover many surprises – historic buildings and churches, atmospheric squares and stone alleyways all form a magical world that was used as filming location for Game of Thrones. St. James Church, a UNESCO world heritage site, is located right in the center of town. The entirely stone-built, Gothic and Renaissance-style cathedral is the symbol of Sibenik and a masterpiece by a Venetian Dalamatic architect, Juraj Dalmatinac. The town is framed by four fortresses, the most formidable being St Nicholas fortress. Sibenik is also a great starting point for exploring the nearby Kornati's National park starring 89 unspoiled islands, islets, and reefs. Kornati archipelagos are uninhabited and there are no accommodation facilities, so a day trip from Sibenik is the ideal opportunity to enjoy this natural paradise.