Transfer from Jajce
to Sarajevo - International Airport

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Departure from Jajce
Selected sights
Estimated arrival to Sarajevo - International Airport

Trip duration: 155min

Passengers & Extra luggage
1 x
0 x
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Trip details

Departure from Jajce
Passengers & Extra luggage
1 x
0 x

Places you can visit along the way

Quality photo of Travnik - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina

105 min

Travnik is a place where many travelers love to make a stop. The first thing you’ll see when approaching this beautiful town is the fortress... on the mountain above the old town. Climbing up is not so exhausting and strongly recommended for good views. With its rich history and unusual architecture, Travnik is really a remarkable place to see.

Quality photo of Sarajevo War Tunnel Museum - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Sarajevo War Tunnel Museum
Bosnia and Herzegovina

75 min

In the midst of the Bosnian War, during the Siege of Sarajevo that lasted for 4 years, the people of Sarajevo were trapped and starving,... living in their basements. In 1993 the Bosnian army built the Sarajevo Tunnel known as the Tunnel of Hope. The purpose of the tunnel was to deliver food and supplies to those in need. The 800 meters long, 1 m wide, 1.6 meters high tunnel was the city's lifeline to the outside world. Historians estimate that more than 1 million trips were taken through the tunnel and about 20 million tons of food were transported through here. Today, about 20 meters of tunnel are part of a museum which contains a collection of objects, archival documents and authentic video material made during the time of the Siege of Sarajevo.

Quality photo of Vranduk Fortress - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Vranduk Fortress
Bosnia and Herzegovina

75 min

Vranduk was built in the Middle Ages on a rock above the gorge and overlooking the Bosnia River. It was an occasional seat of Bosnian... kings. The fortress has mostly retained its original shape apart from the mosque which was built in the 15th century, after the Turks conquered the city. Vranduk provides an authentic insight in Bosnian history especially through the artifacts kept in the museum set up in the great tower.