Transfer from Krk Town
to Vienna

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Departure from Krk Town
Selected sights
Estimated arrival to Vienna

Trip duration: 338min

Passengers & Extra luggage
1 x
0 x
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Trip details

Departure from Krk Town
Passengers & Extra luggage
1 x
0 x

Places you can visit along the way

Quality photo of Krapina Neanderthal Museum - Croatia

Krapina Neanderthal Museum

105 min

The highly realistic and very interesting Krapina Neanderthal Museum will certainly enthrall visitors of all ages. The museum displays in intriguing way the Neanderthal period,... including even the smells of sweat and burning meat, as well as all kind of sounds that contribute to better understand the life of people of Krapina in the Stone Age. The remains of Neanderthal bones dating back to 125 000 years were discovered here in 1899 and in 2010 a modern museum was open. The museum is incorporated in the surrounding countryside and the cave inside the museum is fitted with a life-sized family of Neanderthals made of wax inside, evoking the home of the prehistoric man.

Quality photo of Zagreb - Croatia


135 min

Although it’s not as famous tourist destination as Paris or Rome, Zagreb has its charm that will win you over. The increasing number of visitors... each year verifies this. You will want to slow down in Zagreb. Adjust your pace to city’s laid back life. Walk the streets of its Upper Town with historical monuments and medieval architecture, explore the charming markets, learn about its culture and history in numerous museums (did you know that Zagreb has more museums per square foot than any other city in the world?) or even enjoy a show in one of more than 20 theaters. One thing is sure, take your time in Zagreb and you won’t be disappointed.

Quality photo of Karlovac - Croatia


75 min

Karlovac is a city of many nicknames due to its natural and historic features. It is located on the confluence of rivers Kupa, Korana, Mreznica... and Dobra, hence the nickname “city on four rivers” where, consequently, kayaking and rafting are very popular. The Austrians founded Karlovac in 1579 when they built the fortified old town in the shape of a 6-pointed star, hence the nick name “the star”. Unfortunately, not much has left of these great defensive walls that were built to defend the city against the invading Ottoman Empire. But history buffs can still enjoy the 13th century Dubovac Castle, once inhabited by many noble families and army generals as well as the city museum. Finally, it is also known as the “city of beer” since one of Croatia's two most popular breweries, Karlovacko brewery, is located here.

Quality photo of Liechtenstein Castle - Austria

Liechtenstein Castle

75 min

If this ancient castle is along your route, it is worth the stop, if for nothing more than to see the great Romanesque architecture. This... castle is today considered as one of the rarest and best-preserved examples of a secular Romanesque building in Europe. The access to the castle is possible only through guided tour available in English and German and the tour gives a comprehensive and informative insight into the castle’s past.

Quality photo of Forchtenstein Castle - Austria

Forchtenstein Castle

75 min

Centuries of history are engraved in the stones of the Forchtenstein castle. Even from afar, it is not hard to understand why this is the... only fortress in the region that was never captured during the Turkish Wars. Situated high above the Wulkatal valley, the castle is perched on a foothill of the Rosaliengebirge Mountain. Learn about the affluent Esterhazy family as you tour the rooms of this opulent fortress. Not to be missed is the armory where you can see all kind of weapons from the Middle Ages.