Transfer from Nice
to La Spezia

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Departure from Nice
Selected sights
Estimated arrival to La Spezia

Trip duration: 210min

Passengers & Extra luggage
1 x
0 x
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Trip details

Departure from Nice
Passengers & Extra luggage
1 x
0 x

Places you can visit along the way

Quality photo of Bay of Silence - Italy

Bay of Silence

75 min

The Bay of Silence is located in the small town of Sestri Levante. It is a pretty magical place with golden sandy beaches, verdant vegetation... and colorful houses that line its coast. The one thing you will notice in Sestri Levante are the “gozzi”, typical fishing boats of this region. The best way to end a beautiful day in this perfect little gem is to stop at one of the many little restaurants, scattered among the alleys and taste the local cuisine and a glass of prosecco.

Quality photo of Toirano Caves - Italy

Toirano Caves

105 min

One of the most fascinating places in Liguria are the breathtaking Toirano's Caves, dating back over 300,000 years ago. Expert guide makes the trip worthwhile... and in a roughly 2 hours guided tour, you will be pointed to the highlights and hidden treasures, one of which certainly are the largest cave bear’s bones in all of Europe. In the section called The Witches Cave are vast amphitheaters extending over 450 meters in length. Bring good shoes and a jacket because it can be chilly underground.

Quality photo of Sanremo - Italy


105 min

All tourists are enchanted with Sanremo and its warm climate, exquisite villas, lavish spa centers, casino and Riviera-style appearance. Visitors should explore the historic old... town with little clothes shops and countless family run restaurants offering delicious Italian food. Sanremo is situated around a scenic bay with two harbors that feature a palm-lined promenade. Sanremo has gained international fame thanks to its infamous Sanremo Music Festival. It is also the location where “The Talented Mr. Ripley” was filmed so its beauty is well known around the globe.

Quality photo of Monaco - Monaco


135 min

The first words that come to mind when mentioning Monaco are luxury, extravagance, glamour, high-end gambling and Formula 1. This small city-state is all that,... and much more. Although you only need a day to cover this area, it will be a day full of thrills. You could start your tour at the Palais Princier, the private residence of the Grimaldi Family (try to be there at 11.55 am for the daily changing of the guard on the square in front). When you’re finished exploring the Place take a short walk towards the Cathedral where you can see the resting places of members of the royal family – including Princess Grace. We also recommend a visit to the fabulous aquarium - Musee Oceanographique de Monaco. And finally, you can’t leave Monaco without visiting the famous Monte Carlo Casino, both for its opulent Belle Epoque architecture and for its wealthy residents.

Quality photo of Sanctuary of the Child Jesus of Prague - Italy

Sanctuary of the Child Jesus of Prague

75 min

To say that Prague has many exceptional churches would be an understatement. All of them are special for their architecture and artistic decoration. However, one... of these churches stands out in significance because it is home to the famous statue of the Prague Infant Jesus. This is the church of Our Lady Victorious. Although it is an important baroque monument whose interior is richly decorated in white and gold and hundreds of porcelain statues, the statue of the Infant Jesus is the main draw for visitors. It is more than 400 years old and it was credited with miraculous healing and, among other things, with saving Prague during the Swedish siege in 1639.

Quality photo of Zuccarello - Italy


90 min

It is hard to believe that this tiny village with only one main street and a few smaller streets has such great sites of interest.... But it’s true! From a medieval tower, an ancient bridge and covered passages, the 13th century Church with medieval frescoes, and finally a palace where a local peace treaty was signed. Come and explore the village that tells a tale of past times and traditions.