Transfer from San Marino
to Ravenna

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Trip details

Departure from San Marino
Selected sights
Estimated arrival to Ravenna

Trip duration: 72min

Passengers & Extra luggage
1 x
0 x
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Trip details

Departure from San Marino
Passengers & Extra luggage
1 x
0 x

Places you can visit along the way

Quality photo of Gradara Castle - Italy

Gradara Castle

75 min

A beauty seldom seen adorns this city. The protective walls enclose a medieval village spread on a hill, while at the hilltop stands a castle.... A visit to this castle will take you back in time, to be exact in time of Italian Renaissance and Dante’s Divine Comedy. Thus, you will hear all about the love story between Paolo and Francesca, a tragic love that made this castle a symbol of love. But, you will also learn all about the turbulent times and numerous conflicts between the Malatesta and Montefeltro families. While in the village, besides the castle, remember to visit also the Church of St. Giovanni, the Historical Museum filled with paintings, furniture and other period artifacts and the Garden of Olives.

Quality photo of Faenza - Italy


105 min

When in Emilia Romagna region, be sure not to miss the town of Faenza, not only for its remarkable ceramics museum. The medieval heart of... the town has lots of interesting buildings to be seen such as the neoclassical Palazzo Milzetti or the renaissance cathedral and 16th century clock tower. So, do tour the historic center which is quite lively, especially on market days (Saturdays, Tuesdays and Thursdays). The town’s main attraction is the International Ceramics Museum, which features extensive range of local pottery, antique ceramics from all over the world as well as the contemporary pieces.

Quality photo of Forte di San Leo - Italy

Forte di San Leo

90 min

Perched on top of a hill, the Fort of San Leo dominates from its height the homonymous village. During the course of centuries, different civilizations... fought for this fortress - the Byzantines, Goths, Franks and Lombards. Today the fortress features a museum and symbolizes one of the most famous examples of military art. A fine collection of ancient and modern arms, from the Middle Age (including torture tools) to the weapons from the 2nd World War is exhibited within its halls.