Transfer from Saranda
to Kotor

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Departure from Saranda
Selected sights
Estimated arrival to Kotor

Trip duration: 510min

Passengers & Extra luggage
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Trip details

Departure from Saranda
Passengers & Extra luggage
1 x
0 x

Places you can visit along the way

Quality photo of Sveti Stefan - Montenegro

Sveti Stefan

75 min

Sveti Stefan is an island resort, a symbol of the most luxurious holiday destination, quite popular among the wealthy tourists. All the stone buildings, including... a small church dedicated to St. Stefan and the fortress walls that surround the island, were built in the 15th century by the tribes of Pastrovici. Although the island today is a private resort with little over 50 rooms, one can explore it via the tours organized through local tourist agencies or admire it from the nice restaurants on the cost, like the Olive Restaurant, famous for its tomato-based fish chowder and a beautiful view of the cove and Sveti Stefan Island.

Quality photo of Fortress Old Bar - Montenegro

Fortress Old Bar

75 min

The ruins of the 11th century Old Bar and the fortress are the largest and the most important medieval archaeological site in Montenegro. The fortress... is situated at the foot of Rumija Mountain and had changed hands through centuries, from Venetians, the Serbians, the Hungarians and the Ottoman Empire. Their influences are visible on different building styles. Today visitors can freely visit the site and admire its most notable features - the old Ottoman clock and the Turkish baths with the unique glass tiles in the ceiling.

Quality photo of Lezhe - Albania


105 min

In its more than 20 century long history, Lezhe has changed many governs, from ancient Illyrian and Macedonian to Venetian and all these influences are... clearly evident in the architectural elements of Lezhe Castle. Another important tourist attraction of the city is tomb of Albanian national hero Skanderbeg.

Quality photo of Durres - Albania


105 min

Durres has been continuously inhabited since 627 BC when Greeks first founded here their city of Epidamnos. Ancient architectural landmarks can be seen around the... town and the most notable are Roman amphitheater and Durres Castle also from Roman era when Anastasius I made Durres one of the most fortified cities on the Adriatic. For more comprehensive insight, travelers should visit the Durres Archaeological Museum which is the largest in the country.

Quality photo of Gjirokaster - Albania


105 min

The little town of Gjirokaster began as a 4th century castle and then spread downhill and the first neighborhoods were those of Bazaar and Hazmurate.... The town was conquered by the Ottoman army which left their trace so today visitors can marvel the well-maintained stone Ottoman houses with attractive niches and balconies. The most notable of those houses is the magnificent 19th century home of the Zekati family. Above the town is the most important structure – the castle with the museum of weapons. This is the biggest castle in Albania and it can be reached from the Old Town. While in town, don’t miss the regional specialties like pasha qofte, shapkat, or oshaf with dried figs.

Quality photo of Kruje Castle - Albania

Kruje Castle

75 min

Kruje castle is built 560 meters above sea level surrounded by scenic natural beauty. It is one of the Albanian pivotal historical sites as it... is linked to the victories against the Ottoman Empire led by the national hero, George Skanderberg. Guided tours are available in English through which visitors can learn about the rich Albanian history. Inside the Kruje castle is the Ethnographic museum considered one of the best organized museums in Albania.