Transfer from Venice
to Izola

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Departure from Venice
Selected sights
Estimated arrival to Izola

Trip duration: 125min

Passengers & Extra luggage
1 x
0 x
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Trip details

Departure from Venice
Passengers & Extra luggage
1 x
0 x

Places you can visit along the way

Quality photo of Duino Castle - Italy

Duino Castle

90 min

Standing on a cliff that’s falling sharp into the sea, facing the gulf of Trieste this 19th century castle is truly stunning. The owners, family... of the Princes of Thurn and Taxis, were in the past great patrons of the arts and hosted some famous guests like Mark Twain, Liszt, Strauss, and the poet Rilke. In fact, Rilke loved this place so much that he used it as inspiration for his Duino Elegie and the path from Duino to Sistiana is called “Rilke’s trail”.

Quality photo of Grotta Gigante - Italy

Grotta Gigante

105 min

Italian region Friuli-Venezia Giulia boasts in many interesting tourist sites but the cave Grotta Gigante is definitely one of the most fascinating. Due to its... exceptionally large dimensions (98.50 meters high, 76.30 meters wide and 167.60 meters long) it has entered in the Guinness Book of World Records in 1995 as the world’s largest tourist cave (this title was lost in 2010 with the opening of La Verna Cave in France). The cave has a breathtaking setting where you can admire the stalactites, stalagmites and other natural compounds formed over the past millions of years. The tour takes one hour and it includes 500 steps up and down, but the impressive beauty that waits for you in “the center of the earth” is well worth the effort.

Quality photo of Palmanova Outlet - Italy

Palmanova Outlet

105 min

A heaven for shopaholics, the Palmanova Outlet village includes more than 90 outlet shops, ranging from clothes and fashion to home decor and beauty shops.... It is a favorite shopping center for both Croatians and Slovenians as it is located near the borders. The village is well organized and makes a perfect pit-stop to refresh your wardrobe at affordable prices.

Quality photo of Miramare Castle - Italy

Miramare Castle

75 min

The grandeur of Miramare castle is even more highlighted with its spectacular location. Sitting on a coast edge and sticking out into the Gulf of... Trieste the castle offers fantastic views. While the huge botanical park, made up of exotic trees may be freely explored, a fee must be paid to visit the interiors. Inside visitors will see several rooms still displaying the original furnishings, works of art, precious objects dating back to the middle of the 19th century. The castle houses a museum, a bookstore and a bar in the garden.

Quality photo of Portogruaro - Italy


90 min

Portogruaro is a city that invites to be explored, provokes admiration and rewards with stunning discoveries. Just to mention a few: Abbey of Summaga whose... frescoes date from the 11th–12th centuries, the Gothic Town Hall from 1265, Museo Nazionale Concordiese, and the romantic Molini di Sant'Andrea.