Transfer from Zadar - Zemunik Airport
to Novalja

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Trip details

Departure from Zadar - Zemunik Airport
Selected sights
Estimated arrival to Novalja

Trip duration: 81min

Passengers & Extra luggage
1 x
0 x
Book this transfer

Trip details

Departure from Zadar - Zemunik Airport
Passengers & Extra luggage
1 x
0 x

Places you can visit along the way

Quality photo of Pag - Croatia


75 min

Recently most famous as Croatia’s best party destination, Pag has so much more to offer besides clubbing all night. For instance, on the southern part... of the island there are many villages where you can try the exquisite Pag’s cheese, which is made from sheep’s milk. The island is also very famous for its lace-making and salt production, the company Salona Pag is the main salt producer in Croatia. You will be also most certainly amazed by the strange, almost lunar landscape of this beautiful Croatian island.

Quality photo of Nin - Croatia


75 min

If not for the most amazing beaches and unspoiled nature, than you should stop at Nin to visit the world smallest cathedral - Church of... St. Nicholas. But while you are there, don’t forget to touch the big toe on the statue of Grgur Ninski for good luck. Also, Nin is famous for its medicinal mud which is used for health purposes for many years. You will only need a couple of hours to walk around Nin and we recommend starting your tour at the stone bridge, but the one with the Old Gate (there are two bridges connecting Nin’s old town which is situated on an island with mainland).