Transfer from Osijek - Airport
to Pecs

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Trip details

Departure from Osijek - Airport
Selected sights
Estimated arrival to Pecs

Trip duration: 84min

Passengers & Extra luggage
1 x
0 x
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Trip details

Departure from Osijek - Airport
Passengers & Extra luggage
1 x
0 x

Places you can visit along the way

Quality photo of Prandau-Normann Castle - Croatia

Prandau-Normann Castle

75 min

Prandau-Normann Castle in Valpovo is a grand building of an impressive and romantic appearance. It is built in neo-Classical style with a pale-pink clock tower.... Inside visitors can tour the quaint whitewashed chapel, the original medieval fortifications and museum with a permanent exhibition on the Prandau–Normann family.

Quality photo of Buso Museum - Hungary

Buso Museum

75 min

The tale of this rather interesting tradition stems from the times the Ottomans occupied the area. People fled to the city of Mohacs to get... away from the invaders, until an old Sokac man had a marvelous idea of creating weapons and scary masks to defend themselves from the foreign doom. Their plan miraculously worked and the Turks fled the scene thinking they were being attacked by demons. Since their victory, the villagers have celebrated it annually every February. The Busosmuseum stands as a tribute to the bravery of the people, along with a beautiful mural, contemporary buso masks, photographs and folk costumes to give its visitors a unique sense of the dangerous times the clever and courageous people prevailed.