Travel with EasyDayTrip and discover Pomposa Abbey

About Pomposa Abbey

High quality hoto of Pomposa Abbey - Italy

This historic spot, often overlooked by tourists, is a true hidden gem. Few of those lucky enough to have stumbled to this unexpected delight, were rewarded by many discoveries. First of all, this is where Benedictine monk, Guido d’Arezzo, in the early 11th century invented the modern musical notation – a system of lines, clef signs, and colors which transformed music into information. Furthermore, the Romanesque Abbey of Pomposa is garnished with a 12th-century mosaic and church frescoes are quite amazing and well worth seeing. And finally, the interior walls are decorated with stunning paintings done by Vitale da Bologna, Giotto’s pupil.

Trips you can take to visit Pomposa Abbey along the way

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