Travel with EasyDayTrip and discover Hasistejn Castle
Czech Republic

About Hasistejn Castle

High quality hoto of Hasistejn Castle - Czech Republic

The Gothic castle ruins are located on the rock above the Prunerovsky stream. It is believed that the castle was founded by Friedrich of Sconburg in the 14th century. It was an important fortress ensuring the safety on a trade road that led close to the castle. Its most renowned resident was Bohuslav Hasistejnsky z Lobkovic, who created here a cultural center of European importance, had an impressive 650 volume library within the castle. After his death in 1510 the castle was abandoned and fell into even deeper disrepair when it caught fire in 1560. Although a ruin, the castle is frequently visited and many cultural events are organized here all year round. Visitors may explore the remnants of the castle interiors, chapel, and cellar.

Trips you can take to visit Hasistejn Castle along the way

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