Travel with EasyDayTrip and discover Hronsek Wooden Church

About Hronsek Wooden Church

High quality hoto of Hronsek Wooden Church - Slovakia

This beautiful Evangelist wooden church was built in the early 18th century. In the period between 16th to 18th century more than 300 wooden churches were built in Slovakia. But, due to the Habsburg authorities who wanted to reduce the number of Protestant churches, only 5 of these churches remained to this day. According to the law of that time, only 2 churches were allowed to be built per one region and thus those churches had to be very large to accommodate many worshipers. There were also very rigorous construction requirements for these churches but Hronsek Wooden Church is unique because of the evident Scandinavian architectural influences and it is unknown how or why these elements came to be incorporated into the structure.

Trips you can take to visit Hronsek Wooden Church along the way

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