Travel with EasyDayTrip and discover Basilica of Superga

About Basilica of Superga

High quality hoto of Basilica of Superga - Italy

In 1706, during the French-Spanish siege the Duke of Savoy Victor Amadeus II vowed to build a church if proved victorious in this battle. The result of this vow is Basilica of Superga built on a hill across the river Po. Being located on a hilltop, Basilica offers stunning panoramic views of the city panorama and the Alps; in turn, it can be seen from miles around. The interiors of Basilica match its grand exterior, with gaudy decorations, massive Corinthian columns and intricate carvings. Unfortunately, this astonishing church is linked to a dreadful tragedy which happened in 1949 when a plane carrying the entire Turin football team, known as Grande Torino, crashed into basilica. There is now a memorial at the rear of basilica where the accident occurred.

Trips you can take to visit Basilica of Superga along the way

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