Travel with EasyDayTrip and discover Wisnicz Castle

About Wisnicz Castle

High quality hoto of Wisnicz Castle - Poland

Due to the constant expansions and reconstructions, this originally simple 14th century castle has been transformed into a peculiar blend of architectural styles. Wisnicz Castle was almost completely destroyed during the Swedish invasion who invaded Poland in the period now known as the “Potop” (flood) and the invaders had taken out of the castle 150 wagon-loads of loot. Nonetheless, after World War II renovations were carried out and today this castle is considered as one of the country’s most beautiful castles. In the renovated interiors there is an exhibition of the castle’s history, a collection of copper vessels, models of Polish castles, and the sarcophagus of Stanislaus Lubomirski.

Trips you can take to visit Wisnicz Castle along the way

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