Travel with EasyDayTrip and discover Mauthausen Memorial

About Mauthausen Memorial

High quality hoto of Mauthausen Memorial - Austria

The horrors of this place are probably best described by the harrowing nickname that Nazis gave to Mauthausen concentration camp: “the bone grinder”. It is impossible to imagine the crimes that happened here. It was classified as a Grade III camp, which means that all inmates were to be exterminated through the exhaustion of the grueling labor. A minimum of 90.000 people died at the camp from exhaustion, illness, being shot and many prisoners committed suicide as the only way out of this hell. The preserved historic premises of the Mauthausen Memorial include the Wiener-Graben quarry, the Stairs of Death, the SS-Quarters, the Camp Prison, the Gas Chamber and the Museum with the Room of Names.

Trips you can take to visit Mauthausen Memorial along the way

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