Travel with EasyDayTrip and discover Carsulae Archaeological Site

About Carsulae Archaeological Site

High quality hoto of Carsulae Archaeological Site - Italy

Simply said the site is a must see. It is a fascinating walk into the history through a large archaeological site that takes approximately 2 hours. Carsulae was a medium-size city, built in the 3rd century BC as part of the Roman colonization of Umbria. At its zenith the city developed many important structures such as thermal baths, theaters, temples and other amenities. Despite its progress, the city was abandoned and never resettled and it is unknown to this day why. Interesting and specific architectural remains that visitors can explore are the amphitheater, remnants of the forum, the 9th century church of Saints Cosma and Damiano as well as a small museum that is home to a big, almost life sized, lion which symbolizes the inevitability of death.

Trips you can take to visit Carsulae Archaeological Site along the way

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